Our Guide to reporting has gone digital!

This image depicts the new digital reporting guide, which can be accessed through the reporting tab on the WGEA homepage

You may have noticed that the Reporting section of the Agency’s website has a new look! We’ve transformed all the print reporting guides into the ‘Guide to reporting’, your one-stop-shop for guidance on the reporting process. 

As we work towards a new and improved online reporting portal, we’ve digitalised the ‘Guide to reporting’ to simplify and streamline the reporting process as much as possible. .  

The new digital format has a variety of features and advantages to step you through the reporting process including: 

  • Navigation - there are now many ways to navigate through the guide rather than manually searching through print guides. You can search chronologically, using the internal guide search function and googling key words or terms 

  • Bookmarking – if you had bookmarked one of the PDF guide versions previously, you may have missed important updates to the guides. Now, when you bookmark a URL, you will always be accessing the most up to date information 

  • Simple layout - it's easy to find exactly what you're looking for, without having to scroll through a multitude of pages in a PDF 

  • Everything is in one place – this is your one-stop-shop for all things reporting. 

There are some features that are still in development that will be rolled out soon to improve the guide. Relevant page linking is being developed for a seamless transition between topics. You will also be able to print information easily, with a print icon being developed for easy, clean print formatting. 

You can access the ‘Guide to reporting’ through the reporting tab on our website.