Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide

The WGEA Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide helps employers to plan and execute a pay and composition analysis in order to identify the drivers of their gender pay gap.

The guide explains:

  • how to collect and analyse data
  • how to calculate gender pay gaps
  • the most common drivers to look for and how they can contribute to the overall gender pay gap.

Through identifying the drivers behind the gap, employers can then take effective action to address them.

Download your Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide below

Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide

Find out more about the gender pay gap

Need help understanding the gender pay gap? This explainer will help you to understand what the gender pay gap is, and what it isn't. 

Find out more about how and when WGEA will publish employer gender pay gaps.

WGEA's Communications 10 Point guide is for communications teams and company representatives who are responsible for talking to key audiences about your organisation's approach to gender equality.