WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality

WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality

The Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation encourages, recognises and promotes organisations' active commitment to achieving gender equality in Australian workplaces. WGEA awards the citation for two years, after which organisations can reapply. 

The Agency has named 115 employers as Employer of Choice for Gender Equality. Citation holders following a rigorous assessment process.

Criteria for the citation cover:

  • leadership
  • learning and development
  • gender remuneration gaps
  • flexible working and other initiatives to support family responsibilities
  • employee consultation
  • preventing sex-based harassment and discrimination
  • targets for improving gender equality outcomes.

“The WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation recognises an employer’s efforts to tackle the deep-rooted causes of gender inequality in the workplace,” says Mary Wooldridge, WGEA CEO.

“These innovative employers have implemented evidence-informed solutions to take effective action in their workplaces.”

View the full list of citation holders.

Applications paused as WGEA conducts review of Employer of Choice Citation

WGEA has paused applications for the Employer of Choice for Gender Equality citation while we complete a review of the program.

As a result, WGEA will not accept new applications in 2024. Employers with a current citation will hold this for an additional year.

What does the review cover?

The Employer of Choice review will examine how:

  • the citation can better encourage employers to continually improve gender equality
  • to expand access while upholding the value for current citation-holders
  • to recognise employers that are achieving gender equality across the set measures
  • WGEA can support employers that are taking action on gender equality, but falling short on their outcomes.

When will WGEA complete the review?

WGEA will release the updated guidance about the new Employer of Choice program in late 2024. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact us at eocge@wgea.gov.au.

More information for employers

115 private sector companies achieved citation in our Employer of Choice program. Find out who they are. 

Step-by-step instructions for reporting gender equality data to WGEA. 

Search for and compare employers across 6 workplace gender equality indicators.