Data Explorer Disclaimer


Links to external websites

The WGEA Data Explorer contains links to other websites that are external to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency). The Agency has no direct control over the content of the linked sites, or the changes that may occur to the content on those sites. It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external websites.

Links to external websites do not constitute an endorsement or a recommendation of any material on those sites or of any third-party products or services offered by, from or through those sites. Users of links provided by WGEA Data Explorer are responsible for being aware of which organisation is hosting the website they visit.

Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement

Employers can provide a Gender Pay Gap Employer Statement (Employer Statement) to give context to their gender pay gap results. Where an employer has chosen this option, the link to their Employer Statement is displayed alongside that employer’s gender pay gap on the WGEA Data Explorer.

The employer is, and remains, entirely responsible for the content included in their Employer Statement, including but not limited to its accuracy, reliability, currency, completeness, relevance and compliance with relevant requirements, including but not limited to laws, policies, standards and guidelines.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (Agency) does not check the content provided by employers in their Employer Statement and Employer Statement is made available without any representation or warranty of any kind (without limitation in respect to accuracy, currency or completeness). If you have any queries regarding an Employer Statement, please raise these directly with the employer.

Displaying a link to an Employer Statement in Data Explorer does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Agency of any material in an Employer Statement, or any other material accessed by, from or through any links to site(s) provided in WGEA Data Explorer.

The Agency has no liability to you in respect of any loss or damage that you might suffer no matter how arising (including negligence) that is directly or indirectly related to the contents of an Employer Statement or the links to webpages (or other sites), including arising from, or connected to:

  • the accuracy, reliability, currency, completeness, relevance or compliance with relevant requirements (including but not limited to laws, policies, standards and guidelines) of any material contained in the Employer’s Statement, or any other material accessed by, from or through any links to site(s) associated with the statement;
  • the links to webpages (or other sites) provided by employers or their use, including but not limited to their security, validity or compliance with relevant laws and other requirements or standards (including but not limited to policies and guidelines); and
  • any interference with or damage to a user's computer system, software or data occurring in connection with or relating to the link(s) (to its website or other site) provided by employers or its use.