Senate order on Confidentiality in Procurement Contracts

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) is required to comply with the Senate Order for Entity Contracts.

Pursuant to the Senate Order for entity contracts the following table sets out contracts entered into by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which, depending on the reporting period,:

  • have not been fully performed as at 30 June or 31 December, or
  • which have been entered into during the 12 months prior to 30 June or 31 December.

The accountable authority of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency has assured that the listed contracts do not contain any inappropriate confidentiality provisions.

Procurement contracts are available through the Senate Order Report located on the AusTender Homepage.

2023-24 Financial Year

WGEA Senate Order List 2023-24

WGEA does not have any additional contractual arrangements to be published in a separate Internet listing for the 2023-24 Financial Year.

2023 Calendar Year

Senate Order Listing - 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023

WGEA does not have any additional contractual arrangements to be published in a separate Internet Listing for the 2023 Calendar Year.

2022-23 Financial year

WGEA does not have any additional contractual arrangements to be published in a separate Internet Listing for the 2022-23 Financial Year.

2022 Calendar Year

Senate Order Listing - 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022

WGEA does not have any additional contractual arrangements to be published in a separate Internet Listing for the 2022 Calendar Year

2021-22 Financial Year

2021 Calendar Year

WGEA does not have any additional contractual arrangements to be published in a separate Internet Listing for the 2021 Calendar Year

2020-21 Financial Year

2020 Calendar Year

2019-20 Financial Year

2019 Calendar Year

2018-19 Financial Year

2018 Calendar Year