What are the 6 Gender Equality Indicators?

The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 requires employers with 100 or more employees to report annually against six Gender Equality Indicators. 

The six Gender Equality Indicators are listed below with explanations for each one. 

GEI 1 – gender composition of the workforce

GEI 1 measures the participation rates of women, men and non-binary employees in the workforce. This includes rates of full-time, part-time and casual work, gender split by industry and the proportion of each gender in leadership as well as the rates of resignations, promotions and appointments by gender.

Why is it important?

WGEA’s research with Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre (BCEC) shows that greater gender diversity in leadership delivers better company performance, productivity and profitability. Further, increasing the representation of women in executive leadership roles is associated with declining organisational gender pay gaps.

GEI 2 – gender composition of governing bodies of relevant employers

GEI 2 measures the gender composition of boards or governing bodies of relevant employers. It looks at the gender make-up of chairs and other members, whether employers consider gender in the selection of board members and actions taken to drive change such as time limits, targets and policies.

Why is it important?

The evidence is clear – gender-balance on boards is good for business. Research shows that when women hold 20% or more board seats, there are broader effects on workplace gender equality outcomes and improved company performance.

GEI 3 – equal remuneration between women and men

GEI 3 looks at the difference between the average and median remuneration of women and men and the actions employers are taking to reduce the gender pay gap.

The gender pay gap is the difference in average earnings between women and men in the workforce. The gender pay gap is not to be confused with women and men being paid the same for the same, or comparable, job - this is equal pay. Equal pay for equal work is a legal requirement in Australia.

Why is it important?

Closing the gender pay gap is important for Australia's economic future and reflects our aspiration to be an equal and fair society for all.

GEI 4 – availability and utility of employment terms, conditions and practices relating to flexible working arrangements for employees and to working arrangements supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities

GEI 4 measures employer policies, strategies and actions relating to flexible working arrangements as well as parental, caring and family violence leave and support for employees.

Why is it important?

Increasing the availability of flexibility, leave and other support is important to support equal workforce participation and equal caring responsibilities.

GEI 5 – consultation with employees on issues concerning gender equality in the workplace

GEI 5 measures how, when and how often employers engage with their employees on issues of workplace gender equality.

Why is it important?

Engaging employees through consultation on gender equality issues helps employers to understand employee experience and take meaningful action and generate solutions that are practical and relevant to their organisation. To achieve the best results, data from consultations should be embedded into an organisation’s gender equality policies and strategies.

GEI 6 – sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex or discrimination

GEI 6 measures employer policies, strategies and actions to prevent and respond to sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex or discrimination in the workplace.

Why is it important?

Workplace sexual harassment and discrimination is a gender equality issue that predominantly impacts women. To increase women’s workforce participation, it is essential employers take action to prioritise and protect all employees from sexual harassment, harassment on the ground of sex or discrimination and ensure that every employee feels safe in the workplace.

Learn more about workplace gender equality

Use WGEA's Policy and Strategy Guides to help you write policies and/or strategies for the 6 Gender Equality Indicators.

WGEA Data Explorer allows users to compare employers and industries across the six gender equality indicators. 

Each year employers report to WGEA on the six gender equality indicators. Our Gender Equality Scorecard shows the latest results and trends in workplace gender equality.