11. Finishing the submission

To finish the Gender Equality Report the CEO or Agency/Department head (or equivalent, or a delegate) must review and approve the documents generated from the WGEA Portal after each section has been completed without recording any unresolved data quality issues. When approved, the declarations and consent section must be completed on the submission homepage in the Portal, after which the report can be submitted

Who can sign the report?

The CEO or Agency/Department head of the organisation is responsible for signing the report. Your CEO or Agency/Department head can authorise an SES Band 3 or SES Band 2 responsible for people to sign off on the report if they are unavailable and, their unavailability will result in the report not being lodged on time. 

Confirm CEO or Agency/Department head (or equivalent, or a delegate) sign-off/approval

Each section must be 'complete' before documents for review/approval can be successfully generated.
They are generated from the submission home page (below the sections of the report that have been completed). The documents will generate in the 'Data and Insights' tab of the portal under 'Reports' after approximately 5-10 minutes.

The following documents generate as PDFs:

  • Questionnaire – Public Report: Lists the mandatory questions and answers provided in the questionnaire section.
  • Questionnaire – Confidential: Lists the mandatory and voluntary questions and answers provided in this section of the submission.
  • Workforce Management Statistics – Public Report: Details the employee movements in a data table that was reported in this section of the submission.
  • Workplace Profile – Public Report: Information on the composition of the employee base reported in this section of the submission.
  • Workplace Profile – Confidential: Adds to the public version by including salary and remuneration averages for female and male employees used to calculate gender pay gaps.
  • Reporting Overview: Summary of the entire submission, contains an organisation-wide gender pay gap figure calculated from the submitted data.

The Reporting Overview is a visual overview of the submission.

  • This document is not required to be given to the CEO or Agency/Department head (or equivalent, or a delegate) for review/approval
  • It cannot be used in lieu of the other documents that generate for this step.
  • We recommend that you take all reporting documents, including the Reporting Overview, to your leadership for review and approval.

The CEO or Agency/Department head (or equivalent, or a delegate) must review the documents generated and approve and sign the Submission Approval form for the submission to be finalised in the WGEA Portal. 

  • The submission approval form for your internal use can be downloaded from the home page of the reporting sector guide, or the steps to report chapter.
  • You do not need to upload a signed approval sheet.
  • Instead, approval is signalled by checking the declaration and consents at the end of the submission.

Complete declarations and consents and click submit

Once any errors have been addressed and the CEO or Agency/Department head (or equivalent, or a delegate) has approved the data in the report, the final declarations and consents will need to be approved and confirmed to enable the final submission of the data report.

  • You can click on the 'submit' button to officially lodge your Public Sector report. 

Employers with 500 or more employees must meet a Minimum Standard

The Workplace Gender Equality (Minimum Standards) Instrument 2014 sets the minimum standard for the areas listed below in the reporting questionnaire. The minimum standard is:

  • An extra compliance requirement for relevant employers with 500 or more employees in their corporate structure
  • The least an employer must do to show commitment to workplace gender equality and diversity.

If you are a relevant employer with 500 or more employees, you must have a formal policy or strategy in at least one of the following areas of the Questionnaire.

Questions Minimum standard
Question 1 & 2: Workforce Composition - Workplace overview 

Asks if you have formal policies or strategies to support gender equality in at least one of the nine different areas:

  • recruitment
  • retention
  • performance management
  • promotions
  • identification of talent and high potential employees
  • succession planning
  • training and development
  • gender equality KPIs for managers
  • gender equality overall.
Question 1: Gender Pay Gaps - Action on Gender Equality  Asks if you have a formal policy or strategy on remuneration and if it includes gender pay equity goals. Gender pay equity is when women and men receive equal pay for work of the same or similar value
Question 1: Support for Carers - Employee Support  Asks if you have a formal policy or strategy to support employees with family and caring responsibilities. This relates to an employee’s role as the parent (biological, step, adoptive or foster), guardian or carer of:
  • a child
  • a parent
  • a spouse or domestic partner
  • a close relative
  • anyone else dependent on them for care.
Question 1: Sex-based harassment - Employee Support Asks if you have a policy or strategy to prevent sex-based harassment and discrimination. As an employer, you are ultimately responsible for ensuring a harassment-free workplace.
  • If you do not meet the minimum standard by having a policy or strategy in place in one of these areas, you have two reporting periods to improve before you risk becoming non-compliant.