Finishing the submission

To finish the submission, each section must be completed without recording any unresolved data quality issues.

Then, the CEO or Agency/Department head, or equivalent, must review and approve the documents generated from the WGEA Portal.

When approved, the declarations section must be completed on the submission homepage in the Portal, after which the report can be submitted.

Generate your documents

PDF documents that summarise your submission can be downloaded in the 'Data and Insights' tab of the Portal, under 'Reports'. The generation can take up to 12-24 hours in high-traffic periods, particularly right before reporting closes on 31 October.

The following documents generate for each submission:

Document name Description Availability
Questionnaire – Public Report Lists the mandatory questions and answers provided in the questionnaire section. if Questionnaire section is complete
Questionnaire – Confidential Report Lists the mandatory and voluntary questions and answers provided in this section of the submission. It also contains any voluntary free text response provided that may provide readers context to how you have responded. if Questionnaire section is complete
Workforce Statistics – Public Report Details the employee movements in a data table that was reported in this section of the submission. if all sections are complete
Workplace Profile – Public Report Information on the composition of the employee base reported in this section of the submission. No salary/remuneration information. if all sections are complete
Workplace Profile – Confidential Report Adds to the public version by including salary and remuneration averages for female and male employees in each major occupation, and each manager category. The averages are used to calculate gender pay gaps by employee cohort that appears in your Executive Summary and Industry Benchmark Report(s). if all sections are complete
Executive Summary

Summary of reported data by each Gender Equality Indicator (GEI). Contains an employer's gender pay gap figures (median and average) for base salary and total remuneration that were calculated from the submitted data.

if all sections are complete with no data quality issues

More information about the Executive Summary

 The below guide includes information on where the data in your Executive Summary comes from.

Confirm CEO or Agency/Department head approval

The employer's CEO or Agency/Department head. or equivalent, is responsible for signing off on the submission. Your CEO or Agency/Department head can authorise an SES Band 3 or SES Band 2 responsible for people to sign-off on the submission, but only in circumstances where their unavailability would result in the submission not being lodged on time.

The following documents must be provided to the CEO or Agency/Department head, or equivalent, for their review and approval.

  • Questionnaire – Public Report
  • Questionnaire - Confidential Report (if any voluntary questions were answered) 
  • Workforce Statistics - Public Report
  • Workplace Profile - Public Report
  • Workplace Profile - Confidential Report

You may choose to use the form below to demonstrate that you have your CEO or Agency/Department head or equivalent's approval.

Complete declarations and submit

To submit your annual report you must declare:

  • any information you have provided in the Questionnaire free text responses that may have any privacy impacts or considerations
  • that the data provided by you on behalf of your employer is accurate and correct and
  • that you have gained CEO or Agency/Department head, or equivalent, approval.

When the declarations are complete, press submit. You will receive a confirmation email.

  • You will have 28 days to make any edits or changes to your submission.
  • If you re-enter the Portal and make any edits to an uploaded file or answer, you will reopen your submission. You must resubmit when you have completed your edits.