Updating and confirming details

Before a submission can be started, you must ensure that company, contact and industry details are up-to-date.

On the Portal homepage, you can review the information on record by clicking in the ‘Organisation’ tab. On this page, a report contact can update basic information, such as the reporting contact details. Lodge a support request via email to change any information that cannot change manually.

It is the responsibility of the employer to keep their records and contact information up-to-date.

Confirm details to start a submission

Agency/department details (legal name and ABN)

In the first section of the confirmation page, confirm the department/agency's details (legal name and ABNs). The ABN(s) you confirm must be reflected in the submitted data. For example, if ABN 12345678910 is confirmed for a submission as an employing entity, the ABN must be used in the uploaded files.

Contact and industry details

You must nominate contact and industry details for the submission in the second section of the confirmation page, including:

  • nominated CEO/equivalent and report contact for the submission
  • the primary ABN (if more than one is being reported)
  • the primary industry for this submission, using an ANZSIC industry code (most Commonwealth public sector employers will use the industry class 7510 – Central Government Administration).

Employers reporting to WGEA must report at least one ANZSIC industry code. The Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) system classifies entities based on their main business activity and is used to collect and analyse data across industries. A full list can be found on the ABS website.

Additional industries can be confirmed for a submission, but they will not be used for benchmarking or categorising data. We strongly recommend that you only confirm one industry entry for the submission.