Workplace Profile - columns A-K

The data fields listed below for columns A to K in the Workplace Profile are the same in both template types (unit level template and STP/payroll template).

Refer to the guidance for each column, below, to input your data for each employee employed as at your snapshot date. 

Column A - Employee ID

The 'Employee ID' column is a voluntary field. If your organisation has internal codes or identifiers that are unique to each employee, you may wish to use these to help you prepare your data file. This can be useful to keep track of who is on the profile and will assist you in identifying or explaining any queries that arise relating to data provided for a particular employee or employee group. 

Employee ID information does not appear on any report or summary document that WGEA provides after you have submitted your data—they are for your use, only, and are not used or collected by WGEA. 

Column B - Employing ABN

The 'Employing ABN' column is a mandatory field. It refers to the Australian Business Number (ABN) of the organisation that employs each respective employee. 

You must enter the 11-digit ABN number without any spaces for each employee. 

Column C - Occupational Category

The 'Occupational Category' column is a mandatory field. You must indicate each employee's four-digit occupational category using the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation (ANZSCO) codes. 

ANZSCO is a standardised list of occupations and provides a basis for the standardised collection, analysis and dissemination of occupation data for Australia and New Zealand. ANZSCO codes can be either at a broad ‘major group’ level or at a specific occupation level. 

At a minimum, you must enter one of the following four-digit Major Group codes for each employee: 

  • 0001 - Managers 
  • 0002 - Professionals 
  • 0003 - Technicians and Trades Workers 
  • 0004 - Community and Personal Service Workers 
  • 0005 - Clerical and Administrative Workers 
  • 0006 - Sales Workers 
  • 0007 - Machinery Operators and Drivers 
  • 0008 – Labourers 

It is voluntary for you to go down to a specific occupational code. You can find a full list of ANZSCO codes at the ‘ANZSCO’ tab of the Workplace Profile. 


A primary school teacher can be entered as one of the following ANZSCO categories: 

  • 0002 – Professional 

  • 0024 – Educational professional 

  • 0241 – School teacher 

  • 2412 – Primary school teacher 

In this example ‘0002’ for Professional can be entered, at a minimum. It is voluntary to provide a more detailed ANZSCO code e.g., 0024, 0241 or 2412. 

Column D - Manager Category

In the Workplace Profile, the ‘Manager Category’ is a mandatory field for all employees recorded as Managers under the 'Occupational Category' column (i.e. ANZSCO Major Group 0001 and relevant sub-groups). 

  • A manager occupation is one of 0001, 001X, 01XX, or 1XXX (where X is any numeral). The first number that is not a zero must be a one. 
  • If you have entered one of the above values into column C you must use a Manager Category for the employee in column D. 
  • 'Manager Category' should be left blank for all non-manager employees. 

Managers must be categorised against one of WGEA's six standardised categories:  

  • CEO - Chief Executive Officer or Agency/Department head (or equivalent) 
  • KMP - Key Management Personnel 
  • GM - Other executives and general managers 
  • SM - Senior managers 
  • OM - Other managers 
  • You do not need to use every manager category in your Workplace Profile. 

When categorising managers: 

  • Use the manager category that best reflects the responsibilities of each role. This may differ to formal/internal job titles. 
  • If an employee holds more than one role, use the manager category that best reflects their substantive/main role (i.e. the job or position that attracts entitlements and/or spend the most time working in). 
  • If an employee changed roles during the reporting year, use the category they belonged to on the snapshot date. 

Please also note the below. 

  • A manager does not need to have people reporting to them to be defined as a manager. 
  • A supervisor is not a manager. Classify all supervisors using alternative non-manager occupational categories if they do not meet any of the definitions set out above. 
  • You should not include a casual or temporary employee from a labour hire organisation as a manager, even if they work as a manager for you. 


Role description 

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or equivalent 

Your CEO is the highest-ranked leader within your organisation or corporate structure. This includes anyone acting in the role. You may know them by a different title, such as: 

  • Managing Director 
  • Agency head 
  • Secretary 

You do not need to provide remuneration data for your CEO although you may wish to do so on a voluntary basis.  

  • Please enter '0' in each of the salary/remuneration cells for CEOs when completing the Workplace Profile - if you leave the cells blank for the CEO you will receive a data validation error. 

Head of Business (HOB) 

  • This category should not be used in the submission of a report for a public sector organisation that is a single ABN. 

Key Management Personnel (KMP) 

In line with Australian Accounting Standards Board AASB124, KMPs have the authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of an entity, directly or indirectly. This includes any director (executive or otherwise) of that entity. 

A defining feature of KMPs is their influence is at the entity level. KMPs are likely to direct the strategic function of their section and are often functional heads, such as head of operations or head of finance. They represent at least one of the major functions of an organisation and participate in organisation-wide decisions. 

  • You are required to provide remuneration data for your organisation’s KMPs. 

Other Executives and General Managers (GM) 

GMs (other executives and general managers) are responsible for a department or business unit within an entity. In large organisations, they may not take part in organisation-wide decisions with the CEO. Alternatively, they may take part in those decisions to share expertise or develop projects, but not have the entity-level or corporate group authority that would make them a KMP.  

  • You are required to provide remuneration data for these employees. 

Senior Managers (SM) 

SMs are responsible for one or more functions, departments or outcomes for an entity. They are more likely to take part in both the strategic and operational sides of management, including resourcing, budget and assets (capital expenditure). Some of their decisions need approval from a higher-level manager.  

  • You are required to provide remuneration data for these employees. 

Other Managers (OM) 

OMs are responsible for operational functions. They oversee day-to-day work, following and enforcing their entity’s defined parameters. They may be responsible for strategies, policies and plans to meet business needs for their areas of work. They often manage time, financial and other resources, and assets such as facilities or IT infrastructure. They may also coordinate different functions or people. Line managers belong to this category, but supervisors do not.  

  • You are required to provide remuneration data for these employees. 

Overseas Manager (OSM) 

This category should not be used in the submission of a report for a public sector organisation. 

OSM is for use only for a manager within a global corporate group who: 

  • Reports into an overseas head office, and 
  • Is more senior than the domestic CEO/equivalent 

You are not required to provide salary/remuneration information for overseas reporting managers - populate each salary/remuneration cell with 0 


How to APS employment categories compare to WGEA’s manager categories 

The below table notes how Australian Public Service employment categories, as set out in the Australian Public Service Employment Database (APSED), compare to the manager categories set out by WGEA for the purposes of workplace gender equality reporting. 

APSED code 


WGEA manager category  

Manager category input 


APS Trainee 
APS Graduate 



APS Level 1 
APS Level 2 
APS Level 3 
APS Level 4 
APS Level 5 
APS Level 6 



Executive Level 1 

Other managers 


Executive Level 2 

Senior managers  


Senior Executive Band 1 

Executive and general managers 



Senior Executive Band 1 Equivalent 

Executive and general managers 



Senior Executive Band 2 

Key management personnel 



Senior Executive Band 2 Equivalent 

Key management personnel 



Senior Executive Band 3 

Key management personnel 



Senior Executive Band 3 Equivalent 

Key management personnel 



Agency Head 

Chief Executive Officer or equivalent 


Column E - Gender

Gender is a mandatory field in the Workplace Profile. You must categorise employees as either female (‘F’), male (‘M’), or non-binary (‘X’). 

It is not a mandatory requirement to report employees that do not identify as either male or female. 

Non-binary employees

'Non-binary’ is a data point designed for people whose gender identity is neither female nor male. It is a term for any number of gender identities that sit within, outside of, across or between the spectrum of female-male binary. A non-binary person might identify as gender fluid, trans-masculine, trans-feminine, agender, or bigender. 

Column F - Graduate or apprentice

‘Graduate/Apprentice’ is a mandatory field to complete if the employee is either a graduate or apprentice.

You must indicate whether each employee is:

  • a graduate (G) — only for employees who are employed as part of a formal graduate program.
  • an apprentice (A) — only for employees who are apprentices. This does not include trainees.

A formal graduate program gives recent graduates the opportunity to work in a professional context in their chosen industry and to be provided with intensive training.

If the employee is neither a graduate nor an apprentice, the cell in this column should be left blank.

Column G - Employment status

Employment Status' is a mandatory field in the Workplace profile. You must categorise employees as full-time (FT), part-time (PT) or casual (CE). These values can be selected in the drop-down menu in the cell of column G. 

Employment status 


Full-time (FT) 

An employee engaged to work the minimum number of hours a week that your organisation defines as full time. Their hours are guaranteed and reasonably predictable. Each organisation has different definition of full-time hours. Often this will be 37.5, 38 or 40 hours a week. 

Part-time (PT) 

An employee engaged to work less than the minimum number of hours a week that your organisation defines as full time. 
Part-time employee usually: 

  • Work regular hours each week 

  • Have the same benefits as full-time employees on a pro-rata basis 

Are either permanent or on a fixed contract. 

Casual employee (CE) 

An employee who usually works irregular hours, has no guaranteed hours, and doesn’t get paid sick or annual leave. They can usually end employment without notice, unless a registered agreement, award or employment contract requires it. 

Column H - Employment type

‘Employment type’ is a mandatory field in the Workplace profile. You must categorise employees as permanent, contract, or casual. These values can be selected in the drop-down menu of the cell in column H. 

Employment type 



Someone you employ on a permanent or ongoing basis, either full-time or part-time, with access to permanent employee benefits and entitlements.  


Someone you employ on a fixed-term or non-ongoing contract, either full-time or part-time. 


An employee who usually works irregular hours, has no guaranteed hours, and doesn’t get paid sick or annual leave. They can usually end employment without notice, unless a registered agreement, award or employment contract requires it. 

A casual employee in column G must use ‘CE’ in Column G – Employment status. 

Column I - Year of birth

This information will not be collected in 2024 (for the 2023 year), but will be collected from 2025 (for the 2024 year). 

Column J - Postcode

This information will not be collected in 2024 (for the 2023 year), but will be collected from 2025 (for the 2024 year). 

Column K/M - Industry class

The 'Industry Class' is a mandatory field in the Workplace Profile. To complete this field, you must assign a four-digit ‘Industry Class’ (ANZSIC) code to each employee that matches the industry code(s) you have confirmed when starting your submission. 

The industry class code reflects the major function of the whole organisation/submission group, not individual employees (the functions of individual employees is reflected in their ANZSCO code). 

  • We strongly recommend that you only confirm one industry for the submission. 

  • If your organisation confirmed additional optional industry class codes in the WGEA Portal, each of the confirmed optional codes must also appear in your Workplace Profile – if not, you will receive a data validation error. 

How do I change industry codes?

If the industry codes listed in your Organisational details are incorrect, you can update your industry information on the ‘Organisation’ tab of the Portal. 

When you confirm or reconfirm your details, you can select and use any industry that is associated with one of your ABNs. 

Where do I find a list of industry codes?

You can find the ANZSIC industry class codes on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website

A list of all industry codes can also be found in the ‘ANZSIC’ tab within the Workplace Profile. You can use the search or filter functions to find the relevant category. 

What is an industry class?

The ‘Industry Class’ is a field based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC). The ANZSIC system has a four-level coding structure with increasing detail at each level: 

  • Division: broad industry classification denoted by a letter 
  • Subdivision: two-digit code 
  • Group: three-digit code 
  • Class: four-digit code 

As you go further up towards the ‘division’, the classification becomes much broader. 

For example, a high school would have the below codes. 

  • Division – Education and Training 
  • Subdivision 80 – Preschool and school education 
  • Group 802 – School education 
  • Class 8022 – Secondary education 

These codes are used to benchmark your results against your industry peers.