Follow the below steps to submit a report to WGEA as part of the Commonwealth Public Sector Gender Equality Reporting program.
Register with WGEA, if you have not done so previously. There is no need to re-register, each year.
Setup a myGovID and login to the Portal.
Review and update employer and contact details.
Complete the Workforce Management Statistics (WMS) via the Excel template.
Complete the Workplace Profile (WPP) via the Excel template. If the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) is transferring data on your behalf, skip this step.
Complete the Questionnaire online, through the Portal.
Review, resolve or fix any data quality anomalies identified on your uploaded files.
Generate and download your report documents and have public report documents reviewed and approved by your CEO or Agency/Department head, or equivalent.
Complete the declarations within the Portal and click ‘Submit’.
Fulfil requirements to notify stakeholders of your submission and provide access to your reports.