1. Errors

After submitting data, the reporting platform will check for errors, missing or unexpected data, and other anomalies.

  • An 'error' is raised when part of your submission is not valid.
  • When an ‘error’ is detected on your uploaded file(s) it must be resolved and your file reuploaded.
  • You must resolve any errors detected before being able to provide a reason for a 'warning', or confirm a 'notification'.

Incorrect industry being reported

File type – Workforce Management Statistics & Workplace Profile

The industry information being reported on your uploaded files does not match what you have confirmed at the start of the submission.

  • When you start your submission you confirm up to 3x industry codes for the submission
  • You must only use the industry codes you have confirmed, you cannot include codes you haven't confirmed or leave off any you did confirm as part of this submission
  • This error will no longer appear when you report in line with the industry codes you confirmed when you started the submission.

1. Workforce Management Statistics - single ABN, single industry submission


  1. Review the industry code you confirmed in the 'Confirm organisation details' tile on the reporting homepage in the Portal
  2. Update your file to use the first two digits in the selection in cell B1

2. Workforce Management Statistics - single ABN, multiple industry submission


  1. Review the industry codes you confirmed in the 'Confirm organisation details' tile on the reporting homepage in the Portal
  2. You must ensure your file has one tab for each unique industry subdivision (first two digits of a four digit code) being reported in cell B1, instructions here.

3. Workforce Management Statistics - multiple ABN submission


  1. Review the industry codes you confirmed in the 'Confirm organisation details' tile on the reporting homepage in the Portal
  2. Ensure that you use all unique industry subdivision (first two digits of each code) at least once in cell B1 across all files uploaded

4. Workplace Profile - Consolidated upload


  1. Review the industry codes you confirmed in the 'Confirm organisation details' tile on the reporting homepage in the Portal
  2. Ensure that you only use the four digit industry codes you have confirmed in your workplace profile file(s)

5. Workplace Profile - By ABN upload

If you are reporting multiple industries across a number of different ABNs and have selected the 'By ABN' upload option, the platform will expect each confirmed industry code to appear on each uploaded file.

  • We recommend changing your upload from 'By ABN' to 'Consolidated'
  • You can then upload all of your files in a batch, the industry check will occur across the batch rather than on each file
  • Contact WGEA if you need to change from a 'By ABN' to 'Consolidated' upload type


Parental leave – resignations exceed usage

File type – Workforce Management Statistics

The number of employees on paid parental leave who resigned cannot be greater than the number of employees who were on paid parental leave.

  • This error appeared because you have reported more employees of a specific cohort resigning on parental leave than you have actually taking parental leave.


  1. You must check and update the number of employees in each category for question 5, 6 and 7 of the file
  2. This error will not appear when you reupload your file and the number of employees in each category taking parental leave do not exceed the number of who resigned whilst on parental leave

Casual employees not reported correctly

File type – Workplace Profile

'CE' used in Column G must be matched with using 'Casual' in Column H. If you use 'CE' for employment status you must use 'Casual' for employment type, and vice-versa.

  • This error appeared because casual data was being misreported or blended with fields for FT/PT employees
  • Every casual employee must use 'CE" in Column G and 'Casual' in Column H


1. You must check and update each row listing in the reference field.

2. If Column G is 'CE' you must use 'Casual' in Column H, and vice-versa.

3. This error will not appear when you reupload your file and casual employees use 'CE' and 'Casual' for Columns G and H

Non-numeric or blank salary and remuneration (unit level file)

File type – Workplace Profile (unit level)

Negative numbers, blanks, or non-numeric values were entered for base salary and total remuneration in your Workplace Profile. If a salary or remuneration cell has no data to report enter '0'.

  • This error appeared because you have entered a non-numeric (symbols or punctuation) or negative value on your worksheet, or have left a mandatory cell blank.
  • This may also be an issue with formatting changes to the file - copy and paste your data into a fresh template (right click and paste as 'values only')


1. Locate each data row with this anomaly and ensure each value provided is not negative, non-numeric, or blank for each of the salary and remuneration cells.

2. This error will not appear when you reupload your file and all salary and remuneration cells are free of negative or non-numeric entries or are not left blank.

Non-numeric or blank salary and remuneration values (WMS file)

File type – Workforce Management Statistics

Negative numbers or non-numeric values were detected in the Workforce Management Statistics file.

  • This error appeared because you have entered a non-numeric (symbols or punctuation) or negative value on your worksheet, or have left a mandatory cell blank.
  • This may also be an issue with formatting changes to the file - copy and paste your data into a fresh template (right click and paste as 'values only')


1. Locate each data row with this anomaly and ensure each value provided is not negative, non-numeric

2. This error will not appear when you reupload your file and all salary and remuneration cells are free of negative or non-numeric entries, or are not left blank.

Invalid salary and remuneration values

File type – Workplace Profile

Invalid salary/remuneration has been provided - this error occurs if the final base salary figure is higher than the total remuneration figure.


Unit level file:
This error appeared because you provided a total remuneration figure which is lower than base salary. This is an error because total remuneration = base salary + additional remuneration, therefore it can never be lower than the base salary figure.


1. In the unit level template, this means the value recorded in Column K (Base Salary) is greater than the value recorded in Column L (Total Remuneration).

2. This error will not appear if you reupload your file and the base salary amount is included in the total remuneration amount, meaning the value in Column L is at least the same value, or higher than, the value in Column K


STP/payroll file:
This error appeared because OTE (pro-rata or fixed) cannot be less than the associated base salary amount (pro-rata of fixed), 100% of the base salary amount goes into the associated OTE amount.

  • 100% of the base salary (pro-rata) amount must also go into OTE (pro-rata)
  • 100% of the base salary (fixed) amount must go into OTE (fixed)
  • If the OTE value is higher than the base value, it leads to a calculation error.

For example - if you report 50,000 in base salary pro-rata you must report 50,000 in OTE (pro-rata) as 100% of the base salary amount (pro-rata or fixed) goes into the associated OTE column (pro-rata or fixed).


1. In the STP/payroll template, this means the value recorded in the OTE Column (pro-rata or fixed) is lower than the value recorded in associated base salary column (pro-rata or fixed).

2. This error will not appear if you reupload your file when the base salary amount (pro-rata or fixed) is included in the OTE amount (pro-rata or fixed).

Repeat of a previous year’s submission

File type – Workplace Profile

You have repeated salary and other data on your file(s) from a previous submission. You must not use contractual figures to provide salary information and any calculation or entry should be based on what the employee was actually paid.

  • This error appeared because you have supplied a dataset that is exactly what was provided last year - this is not accepted and does not comply with your requirements to report data accurately.


1. Ensure you have not mistakenly re-used your file from last year and that the salary data being provided is accurate and for the specific 12-month period being reported.

2. This error will not appear when you reupload your file that contains a unique and accurate employee dataset.

Mandatory data is missing from your file (unit level)

File type – Workplace Profile (unit level)

Mandatory values are missing from employing ABN, occupational category, gender, employment type, employment status, base salary, total remuneration, or industry class columns. Mandatory columns cannot be left blank.

  • This error appeared because mandatory information is missing.


1. Review the columns and rows listed as missing mandatory values

2. Update your template to complete all mandatory fields for each employee

3. This error will not appear when you reupload your file and all mandatory cells for each employee have been completed.

Mandatory data is missing from your file (STP/payroll file)

File type – Workplace Profile (STP/payroll)

Mandatory values are missing from ordinary hours, employee start date, base salary (fixed), base salary (pro-rata) or super columns

  • This error appeared because mandatory information is missing.


1. Review the columns and rows listed as missing mandatory values

2. Update your template to complete all mandatory fields for each employee

3. This error will not appear when you reupload your file and all mandatory cells for each employee have been completed.