Before starting, reporting contacts can review the templates (Questionnaire, Workplace Profile, and Workforce Management Statistics sheet) to provide them, their team and/or leadership with a summary or overview of the reporting process and the mandatory data required.
Below are the templates to prepare data for your report submission. The period to lodge the 2024-25 Gender Equality Report is 1 April to 31 May 2025.
- The Questionnaire word version is for working purposes, it is not uploaded. You will complete the Questionnaire in a webform in the WGEA Employer Portal.
- Choose one type of Workplace Profile to complete – we recommend you use the Unit Level file in the first instance as it is the default file for all users.
- For each ABN reported, you will need to complete a Workforce Management Statistics for each entity.
- If your organisation is a partnership (with equity and non-equity partners) - use the partnerships version of the worksheet in the list below.
Submission templates
Please note - excel templates for the Workplace Profile and Workforce Management Statistics for 2024-25 are currently being updated and will be published within this list shortly.
2024-25 Private Sector - Reporting Questionnaire (DOCX, 200.96 KB)
This template is for viewing and compiling responses prior to completing the private sector Questionnaire in WGEA’s Employer Portal. Please note that it may be subject to minor updates or changes in the future to reflect technical adjustments in the reporting platform.
Key information
The sections of this chapter will help you prepare and submit your data: