August 19 marks the end of the 50 additional days women would need to work, on average, to earn the same salary as men. Read our Equal Pay Day media release.
Register now to attend BCEC|WGEA Gender Equity Insights 2024 online report launch to hear more about the new research on part-time work.
The latest ABS average weekly earnings data is out. Find out the new national and state base salary gender pay gap numbers.
Need help with reporting?
You can find step-by-step instructions, answers to frequently asked questions and help for resolving data issues in the WGEA Reporting Guide.
Need to report your gender equality data to WGEA? Head to our Reporting Portal to log-in, or register your organisation.
Learn about the requirements for organisations who are tendering for government contracts.
Latest Statistics
These are the current statistics in Australia today for workplace equality. Uncover more using the WGEA Data explorer ⬈.
Start Data Explorer
is the current Gender Pay Gap
of CEO's in Australia are women
of manager roles are part-time
Take Action
WGEA has a series of live masterclasses and live learning events to guide employers to deepen understanding of workplace gender equality take action to narrow organisations’ gender pay gaps.
Use your reporting data to pinpoint areas where you can take action to improve workplace gender equality
Learn how to plan and execute a pay and composition analysis in order to identify the drivers of your gender pay gap.
How to use evidence to improve workplace sexual harassment prevention and response.
Boards play a critical role in supporting workplace gender equality. This guide provides context, practical insights, and questions for boards and directors.
Find out how to build a gender-neutral parental leave policy and how caring impacts the workplace.
Read WGEA's employer gender pay gaps report which found 50% of employers have a gender pay gap larger than 9.1%.
The latest WGEA data on workforce participation, women in leadership, the gender pay gap and employer action on workplace gender equality.
Gender Equity Insights 2023 identifies the most valuable actions employers can take to reduce their gender pay gaps.
Learn more about us
WGEA is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The Agency is charged with promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces
WGEA's Corporate Plan outlines our vision, purpose and activities from 2023-24 through to 2026-27.
Looking for meaningful work? At WGEA you will be part of a team of high achievers who are friendly, fun and passionate about promoting and improving gender equality.